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en, lt
Planning tariff changes: suspensions

The possibility of tariff suspensions is actively used by businesses in the EU - importers save significant amounts of duties. It is also important for EU exporters, for instance, exporting their products to the UK, where tariff suspensions are used as well and may result in increased demand for certain products from the EU. We are talking to Žydrė Bartaškienė, Adviser of the Tariff Division of the Customs Department, about various aspects of this topic - news, tariff classification of goods, financial planning in business, and others.

Žydrė Bartaškienė

duties, taxes
en, lt
Planning tariff changes: suspensions

The possibility of tariff suspensions is actively used by businesses in the EU - importers save significant amounts of duties. It is also important for EU exporters, for instance, exporting their products to the UK, where tariff suspensions are used as well and may result in increased demand for certain products from the EU. We are talking to Žydrė Bartaškienė, Adviser of the Tariff Division of the Customs Department, about various aspects of this topic - news, tariff classification of goods, financial planning in business, and others.

Žydrė Bartaškienė

duties, taxes
en, lt
Tarifinės kvotos: rask informaciją TARIC

‎ €9.00
duties, taxes
en, lt
Tarifinės kvotos: rask informaciją TARIC ir LITAR

‎ €9.00
duties, taxes
A chance for businesses to reduce their post-Brexit customs duty bill – UK tariff suspensions

Exactly a year following the publication of the UK’s Global Tariff, the UK government announced on 20 May 2021 that the UK will launch its own tariff suspension scheme, tailored to the needs of UK businesses. This means legible goods will benefit from paying no customs duties upon import into the UK. As a UK business paying customs duties currently, this is a window of opportunity to apply for a tariff suspension to reduce your future customs duty bill. What does this mean in practice, and who can apply for this benefit?

Jessica Yang

duties, taxes
A chance for businesses to reduce their post-Brexit customs duty bill – UK tariff suspensions

Exactly a year following the publication of the UK’s Global Tariff, the UK government announced on 20 May 2021 that the UK will launch its own tariff suspension scheme, tailored to the needs of UK businesses. This means legible goods will benefit from paying no customs duties upon import into the UK. As a UK business paying customs duties currently, this is a window of opportunity to apply for a tariff suspension to reduce your future customs duty bill. What does this mean in practice, and who can apply for this benefit?

Jessica Yang

duties, taxes
Muito suspendavimas – kaip pasinaudoti

Rima Zabalevičienė

‎ €34.99
Muito suspendavimas – kaip pasinaudoti lengvata?

Rima Zabalevičienė

‎ €34.99
en, lt
Opportunities for producers: tariff suspensions

Due to tariffs suspensions Lithuanian producers saved more than 5.15 million euros in 2019. This amount seems considerable, but it could have been significantly higher! In this article, we draw the attention of producers to an opportunity which, in our view, is not sufficiently exploited yet. We also review the current issues - which goods are no longer subject to tariff suspensions due to the new EU Environmental Policy and Industrial Policy, and exceptions - when tariff suspensions are compatible with the application of the anti-dumping duty. Finally, we will share practical advice on how to complete a customs declaration and briefly review other countries' requests for tariff suspensions.

Žydrė Bartaškienė

duties, taxes, торговая политика
en, lt
Opportunities for producers: tariff suspensions

Due to tariffs suspensions Lithuanian producers saved more than 5.15 million euros in 2019. This amount seems considerable, but it could have been significantly higher! In this article, we draw the attention of producers to an opportunity which, in our view, is not sufficiently exploited yet. We also review the current issues - which goods are no longer subject to tariff suspensions due to the new EU Environmental Policy and Industrial Policy, and exceptions - when tariff suspensions are compatible with the application of the anti-dumping duty. Finally, we will share practical advice on how to complete a customs declaration and briefly review other countries' requests for tariff suspensions.

Žydrė Bartaškienė

duties, taxes, торговая политика
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